The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Unsent Letter From Izbor

My Dear Helke!

Remember when you said, "Izbor, don't you go robbing folk, the gods don't like it, and besides, only refugees on the roads these days, and they're even poorer than us"? How you were cross that I shirked working in the fields and didn't bring a scarp home to put in the pot? Well, you are gonna have to eat those words, my dear! Gobble them all up, with a hearty slice of humble piece and some baked crow on the side!

Yesterday we corned this merchant. And not a Gors Velen or Brenna man, but from Nilfgaard itself, you see? From the City of Golden Towers! Didn't speak much Common, but enough so's we could understand each other. He said he was carrying some goods to the Black One's camp. We took everything he had, and I"m telling you, Helke dearest, you've never seen so many crowns in your life, nor could you ever hope to count that high!

Now we're going to rough him up a bit more to make sure he hasn't hid some of his gold or goods. Once we cut off his thumbs he'll spill the beans about any extra treats slashed in the soles of his boots, and once Mirko scalds him a bit he'll tell us about the precious stones he's got sewn in the feedbag. Might tell us a great many such things of interest, in fact. You never know just what till you try.

Tell the young'uns Da's gonna be home soon. That he'll bring them toys and treats and they'll eat so many honeycakes their tummies're gonna burst. For you Helke, I'll bring a silver necklace and brooch. Because while you can be awful cruel atimes, I still love you, you naughty bint.


P.S. Throw on that nightshirt with the lace and red beads for my arrival. And color up your kisser somewhat.


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All Books from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Geralt rejoins his long-lost lover, Yennefer, in the town of White Orchard. Yennefer tells him that Emperor Emhyr has summoned him to the city of Vizima. Emhyr tasks Geralt with finding Ciri, who has recently been seen in several places. Ciri is a Child of the Elder Blood, the daughter of the emperor and the last heir to an ancient elfish bloodline with the power to manipulate space and time. Geralt first hears that Ciri was in Velen at Crow's Perch, the Bloody Baron's fort. The baron refuses to help, but Geralt's acquaintance, the sorceress Keira Metz, tells him that an elfish mage was looking for Ciri. Keira directs Geralt to the Crones of Crookback Bog: malicious, ancient spirits living near Velen. The Crones say that they captured Ciri for the Wild Hunt before she escaped and have enslaved Anna, the baron's missing wife. Geralt returns to the baron, who tells him that Ciri went to Novigrad.

He discovers that the Church of the Eternal Fire, a militant religious organization, is purging mages in Novigrad. Meeting his former lover, Triss Merigold, Geralt learns that Ciri had contacted his friend Dandelion. Geralt navigates Novigrad's criminal underworld to rescue Dandelion, and learns that Ciri teleported to the Skellige archipelago. In Novigrad, Geralt may help Triss to free fugitive mages. He sails to Skellige and rejoins Yennefer, who has been investigating a magical explosion linked to Ciri. They track Ciri to the island of Lofoten, which has been attacked by the Wild Hunt. Geralt and Yennefer realise that Uma, a deformed, cursed creature at Crow's Perch, was present after Ciri's escape. Before leaving Skellige, Geralt can help determine who will rule Skellige after the king's death. Yennefer severs the magical bond between her and Geralt, giving him the option of affirming his love for her or ending their relationship.

Launch Year: 2015
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Cover

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is a trademark of CD Projekt RED. All of the original content for this game is copyrighted to CD Projekt RED.

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